šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ”„28 Perfectly Timed Photos That Will Make You Look Twice

šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ”„28 Perfectly Timed Photos That Will Make You Look Twice

1. Peek-A-Boo: Framing the Subject Perfectly

Sometimes the water parts and you get a split second opportunity for a perfect picture. Thereā€™s no way you could ever replicate an effect like this.

Well timed photo of girl behind waterfall
Source:Ā CopyPasteRepeat/Reddit

2. Ride On: Looking Closer Just Makes It Funnier

This is a true masterclass in composition. A perfectly-timed photo that just gets funnier the more you look at it. The best illusions are the unintentional ones.

3. Page-Turner: Sleeping Through Lifeā€™s Funniest Moments

Why wear an eye mask when you can just cover yourself with a magazine? This hilarious well-timed photo is all the funnier knowing that the subject is totally unaware of whatā€™s going on.

Well timed picture of photograph over face
Source:Ā Reddit

4. Fly, Puppy, Fly!: Lifting Off With the Power of Good Timing

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Nah, itā€™s just a really well-timed moment between a dog and a seagull. Thanks to some perfectly-timed photography skills, we caught a glimpse of an adorable hybrid creature.

Source:Ā Ukulele_Henry/Reddit

5. Mine!: Guarding Your Food At the Beach Is A Must

Picture this: Youā€™re enjoying a beautiful day out at the beach, snapping a quick ā€˜gram of your delicious ice cream cone, when suddenly a greedy gull comes out of nowhere. Sure, your ice cream is ruined, but youā€™ve got yourself one of the best pictures of all time.

Source:Ā sophielola_/Reddit

6. Parents of the Year: Capturing Treasured Family Moments

Nobodyā€™s perfect, and thatā€™s true of parents too. Luckily, most of us donā€™t have photographic evidence of our awkward parenting moments. This perfectly timed photo is one that they wonā€™t live down any time soon.

Source:Ā dangerous-lhama/Reddit

7. Food Escape: Bagging Your Groceries Twice Can Help

Some of the best and most perfectly timed pictures capture a moment when everything goes wrong. Like the panic you feel when your bag of groceries suddenly splits, sending your food cascading down the stairs.

Source:Ā steambanger/Reddit

8. Heads Up: Photographing Our Most Painful Moments

Life comes at you fast. As fast as a basketball to the face. If youā€™re lucky, someone will snap a picture at the exact right moment so you can remember the pain, embarrassment, and humor of the moment.

Source:Ā LucilleSluggers/Reddit

9. Wild Wedding: Falling For the New Couple

Weddings are always memorable affairs, but some come with crazier stories than others. Youā€™ll never forget the guy who fell from the clouds on your wedding day, and if you are lucky somebody will have captured the moment at the perfect time. Wedding photos donā€™t get funnier than this.

Source:Ā TheSANEG/Reddit

10. Donā€™t Feed the Animals: Snacking On Visitors At the Aquarium

Certain animals donā€™t look scary until you see them trying to wrap their jaws around the head of a toddler. This perfectly-timed photo proves that any animal can be scary under the right circumstances.

Source:Ā sloppyFarts/Reddit

11. Bee-zilla: Buzzing Across the Countryside

Perspective is a hell of a thing. It can transform an everyday honeybee into an enormous monster, ready to attack the nearest town. When this photogenic bee flew into shot, the photographer was able to capture a perfectly-timed photo with a hilarious optical illusion.

Source:Ā luketheduke54/Reddit

12. A Real Mouthful: Grabbing A Quick Bite To Eat

Itā€™s not everyday you see a bird jump out of the water, stuffing itself with an enormous fish. This amazing moment shows the blink-and-youā€™ll-miss-it excitement of the natural world, in all its crazy glory.

Source:Baiju Patil/Facebook

13. Where Babies Come From: Dropping Deliveries From the Stork

Maybe your parents werenā€™t lying when they said babies were brought to families by a stork. Itā€™s maybe not the most efficient way to reproduce, but the baby certainly seems happy.

Source:Ā Dood71/Reddit

14. Penguin Has Stopped Responding: Glitching Graphics In Real Life

If youā€™ve ever wondered if we live in a simulation, this perfectly timed shot would suggest that we do. Just look at that glitching penguin. Maybe thereā€™s a tech support number we can callā€¦

Source:Ā Karen Roe/Flickr

15. Cat Food: Eating Pets Isnā€™t Recommended

Every so often, real life and TV align perfectly. Like when this photographer captured the moment when a character onscreen started eating the pet cat. Thankfully, the cat was not harmed.

Source:Ā screwywabbit/Reddit

16. Pay Attention: Photographing the Moment Before It All Went Wrong

Some pictures show a moment before all hell breaks loose. Too bad you canā€™t warn the guy in this perfectly timed picture of whatā€™s about to happen. What a waste of wine.

Source:Ā anomalush/Reddit

17. Tiny Cap: Sharing Your Accessories With Strangers

Forget to wear a hat? Donā€™t worry, just stand in front of someone with a cap and bam! Youā€™ve got your own, teeny, tiny cap. The magic of photography!

Source:Ā pookymama2007/Reddit

18. So Majestic: Posing For the Camera

Cats make fantastic photographic subjects. This cat, in particular, looks like itā€™s auditioning for a role in the musical,Ā Cats. Great dance moves, little guy.

Source:Ā SuperKozz/Reddit

19. Bride of the Owl: Flying Perfectly Into Frame

This isnā€™t the tale of the forbidden love between a woman and an owl-man. This is just a perfectly-timed picture of an owl photobombing a lovely wedding. Go home, owl, this isnā€™t your big day.

Source:Ā Jojokroezz/Reddit

20. Eagle-Eyed: Becoming A Bird of Prey

This is one of the most majestic and well-timed photos youā€™re ever likely to see. The colors, the composition, and timing all make for an incredible image that you wonā€™t forget in a hurry.

Source:Ā Phydeaux/Reddit

21. Space Jam: Creating An Eclipse Through Basketball

This is no solar eclipse. Itā€™s just the result of a perfectly-timed photo, taken at the exact moment when the ball was obscuring the sun. We still donā€™t recommend looking directly at the sun when eclipsed by a basketball though.

Source:Ā MDPPatrick/Reddit

22. Jesus Is With You: Photoboming Taken to the Extreme

This couple could never have anticipated how perfect their vacation selfie would turn out. This guy who stood in front of the statue of Jesus just happened to bear a striking resemblance himself, making this one of the greatest photobombs ever captured on camera.

Source:Ā VermiciousKn1d/Reddit

23. A Real Head-Scratcher: Figuring Out Where the Babyā€™s Head Is

This well-timed picture will have you scratching your head. There are two bodies, but can you tell where one head ends and the other begins? Once you see it, you canā€™t unsee it.

Source:Ā blaQriot/Reddit

24. The Sunshine Kid: Making the Sun Wear a Sunhat

This adorable pic makes the sun look like a little cowboy. The well-timed photo turns an otherwise everyday image of leaves back-lit by the sun into a fun little story unto itself.

Source:Ā lunavale/Reddit

25. Bubble Boy: Blowing Bubbles With A Surprise

Donā€™t worry, that tiny dog isnā€™t trapped inside a bubble. Itā€™s just another fantastic accidental illusion created by perfect timing and a camera. It would be pretty cool to have tiny bubble dogs, though.

Source:Ā WeRateDogs/Twitter

26. The Shape of Water: Revealing the Groomā€™s True Form

An aquarium wedding sounds like a great idea until you end up with photos like this. Then it seems like the best idea ever. Who else is going to have a wedding photo of themselves kissing a shark?

Source:Ā RagsyBoy/Reddit

27. He Knows: Learning Your Own Name

This clever little kookaburra knows his own name and is proud of it. This fantastic well-timed photo captured the little bird as he introduced himself to the rest of the world.

Funny picture of kookaburra on a sign
Source:Ā MattyBANG/Reddit

28. Another Head-Scratcher: Seeing One Instead of Two

What is it about swimming kids that makes them disappear into the nearest adult? Hereā€™s another example of a tricky toddler whose head seems to blend in with their dadā€™s. Youā€™ll be staring at this one a while before you figure it out.

Perfectly timed photo optical illusion

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